Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Find the Root Web Directory's Location?

In this blog, you'll see how to find the location of the root directory for your specific domain that's hosted by your web hosting provider.

On cPanel

If you're using cPanel, you may see your Home Directory under the content Stats on the sidebar, but it may not the root directory of any of your hosted domains. But it could be the containing folder of the root directory for your domain.

  • To find the root directory for your addon domain or even for your main domain that's listed at the row Main Domain of the content Stats.
    1. When you click the “File Manager” on the cellbox Files and if you didn't mark to skip the follow up question yet.
    2. There you will see the popup File Manager Directory Selection.
      Customized File Manager Directory Selection of cPanel
    3. Select the option with the words “Document Root for:”.
    4. And choose the hosted domain you want to see the location of its root directory.
    5. And lastly, click the "Go" button below the popup area.
    6. In File Manager, focus on the top left area of the application interface.
      The Location of Root Web Directory on the File Manager of cPanel
    7. And the value of the text box including the "/" slash on its left, is the location of the root directory for the domain you chose.
  • The location of the root directory for an addon domain is more easier to find.
    1. Remember that the value of every “Document Root” cell on the following video, is the location of the root directory for a specific additional domain.
    2. This is the official video tutorial to learn about creating and managing add-on domains:

On Parallels Plesk Panel

One of the popular control panels is called Parallels Plesk Panel. And here is how to find the root directory for a specific domain, with this control panel.

  1. On the Websites & Domains area of the home.
  2. Click the “Hosting Settings” of the listed website you want to see the location of its root directory, on the list of hosted domains below that area.
  3. And in the following area, the value of the field Document root is the root directory's location for the domain you chose.

The document root for main domain on Parallels Plesk Panel may be "/httpdocs" in default.

Location's Format in Default

Most hosting companies will make the top directory of your web document root as "/" if you register a domain named "". Like if you're using Hepsia Control Panel on such as the Standard .

  1. For example, when you add the new domain "".
  2. The location of the root for that domain will be look like "/www/".

But remember, not all the locations of the root web directories on the filesystems of all web servers are in the same format! They will vary across hosting providers and operating systems.

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